Your Details Please complete all sections

    Employee Leaving Employment

    Any questions or queries regarding completing this form or just not sure and require advice call us 020 8643 6491 Mon – Fri 9.30am - 5pm.

    Your active workplace Pension Please take NO ACTION

    • We inform NEST of leaving employee
    • We inform NEST no further contributions due for this leaving employee
    • Do not make any amendments to your payment mandate with your bank

    Full current address details are required to complete leaving P45 for your employee

    Redundancy PayClick here to see Redundancy information

    Redundancy pay.

    If you are paying your employee redundancy pay, please enter in ANY OTHER PAYMENTS. Crown Payroll Ltd will calculate redundancy pay and we will get back to you to confirm figure.

    If your employee has given notice to you, then you do not have any redundancy pay obligation to them, as it was their choice to leave your employment.

    If you gave your employee notice, then you may have an obligation to make a Statutory Redundancy Payment.

    The employee qualifies for Statutory Redundancy pay based on age, weekly gross pay and number of complete consecutive years in your employment. and you have not offered them any other employment position. The employee only qualifies for Statutory Redundancy Pay if they have worked for you for at least two years of continuous service and are an employee under HMRC PAYE. 3 years 9 months would be continuous service of 3 years for redundancy calculations.

    At the time of writing

    • Up to age 22. Half a week of pay for each full year of employment
    • Aged 22 – 40 One week of pay for each full year of employment
    • Over 41 One & half weeks of pay for each full year of employment

    Statutory Redundancy Payment must be paid at the level of the National Minimum Wage for the weekly hours your employee has worked. It is against the law not to pay the National Minimum Wage.

    A maximum of 20 years' service is taken into account and there is a limit to a week's pay for statutory redundancy purposes, Crown Payroll Ltd will calculate redundancy pay at the current HMRC weekly pay limit amount. This content is provided as general background information only.

    Who gave the notice? You, The Employer
    Who gave the notice? The Employee
    Are you paying your nanny redundancy pay?
    If YES do you want Crown Payroll Ltd to calculate statutory redundancy for you?
    Is the leaving employee entitled to any untaken holiday pay.*?

    If No there is no untaken holiday entitlement due please do not answer questions H1 – H8

    H1. If YES Do you want Crown Payroll Ltd to calculate the holiday entitlement and e-mail you confirmation of the untaken holiday pay amount*?

    H2 - If Yes Do not complete leaving form Payment Totals until Crown Payroll Ltd have e-mailed you the holiday pay TOTAL *?

    H6 - Does the holiday entitlement year begin with the first day of the employment start?*

    You can leave the following 1-5 blank and Crown Payroll Ltd will calculate final totals and e-mail you final amount to confirm.

    Please enter employee work schedule in order for us to calculate a pro – rata leaver salary if leaving mid-week / month.

    We will write to you confirming all leaving procedures have been completed and with the correspondence we include a payroll form and contract of employment questionnaire for employment of a subsequent nanny.

    A leaving P45 for your employee is a legal document that HMRC take very seriously.

    You must ensure that your payments to a leaving employee are correct

    You must ensure that a leaving employee receives all of their statutory holiday entitlements

    As the employer these are your legal responsibilities

    Please complete ALL sections of this form, where the answer is NIL please enter NIL

    Nannywage Ltd only post P45’s to UK destinations. If you or your nanny are moving abroad, please ensure leaver procedure is completed while still resident in the UK. If you or your employee have already moved abroad at the time of us receiving leaver instructions, we will e-mail leaver documentation to you and your employee.

    PLEASE NOTE: It may take up to 10 working days to complete the leaver processing and P45 and post out to you and your employee, please complete and submit your leaver form ASAP.

    PLEASE ensure you complete all relevant sections.